Joburi MassMutual Romania

  MassMutual Romania news:

Building a Brighter Tomorrow: creating social value through community responsibility

At MassMutual Romania, community responsibility is not just part of our mission, it’s part of who we are. We believe in building a world where compassion, care, and collaboration can make a difference. Through our social responsibility initiatives, we aim to make a positive impact on those in need while encouraging our employees to contribute to meaningful change.

The Next Generation of Tech Innovators: insights from Marius Clapon, Head of IT Delivery @MassMutual Romania

In this interview, Marius Clapon, Head of IT Delivery at MassMutual Romania, shares his insights on the multifaceted approach needed to cultivate a thriving tech environment, providing a unique glimpse into the heart of MassMutual Romania and the future of tech industry, offering valuable advice for those aspiring to make their way in the tech world.

Navigating the Future of Work: an interview with Marius Clapon, Head of IT Delivery @MassMutual Romania

Navigating the Future of Work: an interview with Marius Clapon, Head of IT Delivery @MassMutual Romania

You are invited to MassMutual Romania`s Open Doors events in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca

Navigating the Tech Future: join MassMutual Romania’s success story discussion at .. .. Cluj-Napoca Open Doors Event: A Glimpse Into the Future of Tech Innovation, scheduled for March 7th, at 18:00 .. Bucharest Open Doors Event: Transforming a Dinosaur Through Digital Innovation, scheduled for March 12th, at 18:00

MassMutual Romania Paid Cybersecurity Traineeship

MassMutual Romania Paid Cybersecurity Traineeship Are you a technology enthusiast, ready to kick start your career in IT?

Join the MassMutual Romania Coding Competition and Showcase Your Skills

Are you ready to put your coding skills to the test? MassMutual Romania is thrilled to announce its first coding competition, where you can demonstrate your programming skills and problem-solving abilities.

MassMutual Romania participa la DevTalks 2023, in calitate de Sponsor Principal

DevTalks Romania, cea mai ampla conferinta dedicata dezvoltatorilor software si profesionistilor IT din Romania, revine in format fizic la Romexpo, Pavilion B1, pe 21-22 Iunie, unde se vor reuni peste 3500 participanti si 110 speakeri internationali si locali, in cadrul unei editii aniversare de exceptie.  

Redesigning how we work in the post-pandemic world

The past two and a half years has fundamentally changed the way we define the role of work in our lives. We are a different generation of workers than we were in early 2020, and the 2022 Work Trend Index confirms that employees now overwhelmingly prefer flexible working hours or locations.  

10 New Tech Companies to keep an eye on in 2023: Meet MassMutual Romania

At MassMutual Romania, we develop digital products and technological solutions that help MassMutual’s customers protect themselves financially while offering an integrated customer experience that exceeds expectations. We work with a diverse range of technologies as we continue to migrate to a digital end-to-end platform, simplifying the user experience and remaining innovative.

MassMutual announces great career opportunities for 2022

MassMutual Romania plan to double their headcount in 2022 and announces long-term commitment in Romania, by investing in a junior program, remote working opportunities and new business projects.

Barings colaboreaza cu MassMutual Romania pentru a recruta angajati din Romania pentru proiecte strategice

Barings, o companie de top in managementul investitiilor la nivel mondial, a anuntat astazi ca a incheiat un acord cu MassMutual Romania Global Business Services (MassMutual Romania) pentru a recruta talent pe piata din Romania.